All Publications

Showing 6861 - 6870 of 9057

Point of Sale (POS) Networks for Microfinance

Presented at the Africap Seminar, April 19-21 2004, Nairobi, Kenya

Progress Note: Practitioner Understanding of Social Return on Investment (SROI)

Applying social return on investment to microfinance

Reflections and Learnings: ShoreCap Exchange's Risk Management Forum December 2004

Enterprise Risk Management System (ERMS): Theory and application

Remittances: The New Development Mantra?

What do remittances mean to recipient countries?

Scoring Arrears at a Microlender in Bolivia

A look at the value of scoring models for microlenders in poor countries

Support for Microenterprise as Asset-Building: Concepts, Good Practices, and Measurement

What is the role of asset-building in the development of microenterprises?

The Economic Empowerment of Women through Microfinance

Analyzing microfinance as a strategy for economic empowerment of women

A New Gender Agenda for Microfinance?

Are women more empowered?
Guide / Toolkit

A Technical Guide to Remittances: The Credit Union Experience

The mechanism and importance of remittances
Case Study

Beyond Numbers: Prizma's Exit Monitoring System

Does an exit monitoring system help in reducing client exit from microfinnace programs?