
Reflections and Learnings: ShoreCap Exchange's Risk Management Forum December 2004

Enterprise Risk Management System (ERMS): Theory and application
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This paper presents ShoreCap Exchange's key learnings on Enterprise Risk Management System (ERMS), along with practical tools.

The learnings that the paper discusses include:

  • ERMS helps a bank or a microfinance institution (MFI) to:
    • Cope with uncertainty and opportunity;
    • Enhance capacity to build value.
  • Organization seeks a balance between profitability and risk, both on the same continuum;
  • ERMS should support strategic objectives, instill investor confidence and ensure that evolution of organization infrastructure keeps pace with asset growth;
  • ERMS structure should evolve with organization growth or complexity;
  • The Board establishes the risk culture relying on business unit owners, CEO, senior management team and the internal audit;
  • On an interim basis, the management should lead the risk management initiative;
  • Ownership and accountability are integral in establishing a strong risk management culture;
  • The first step in risk management is risk identification and opportunity definition;
  • The second step is the analysis of the identified risks and definition of consequences.

The tools and checklists presented include:

  • Definitions, examples and measurement options for risks;
  • Checklist to assess the degree of alignment between organization growth and ERMS structure;
  • An optimal ERMS structure;
  • Checklist to assess involvement of the Board and Chief Executive Officers (CEOs);
  • Checklist to assess cultural alignment of key managers with ERMS benefits;
  • Risk identification and assessment tools:
    • Self-assessment;
    • Process mapping;
    • Risk indicators;
    • Quantitative measurement tools.
  • Risk response grid.

About this Publication

By Gerschick, J.