All Publications

Showing 6881 - 6890 of 9057

The Banking Regulation Act, 1949

The provisions of the Banking Regulations Act

The Impact of a Microfinance Program on Private Health Care Providers in Uganda

An assessment of the impact of loans on the viability of healthcare providers
Case Study

Timor-Leste: Independent Review of the Credit Component of the Community Empowerment Project

Revival of rural economic activity: A result of the Community Empowerment Project's credit component

Affordable Technologies for Sustainable Development

Exploring the relationship between microfinance and IT

Banks and Financial Institutions Ordinance, 2004

Governing financial institutions in Nepal
Case Study

Case Study Report: "...Then I Learned I Could Get a Loan "

Has the microcredit project helped ease the post-war transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Counting (On) Your Prospective Clients: Guiding Principles in Measuring Microfinance Client Satisfaction and Loyalty

How to Measure client satisfaction in microfinance?

Credit Makes Good Business Sense for Poor Women

Is investing in poor women an effective strategy against poverty?

Focusing on Clients: A Satisfaction Survey of ASA Small Loan Members' Groups

Are clients satisfied with ASA's operations?

How Donors Can Help Build Pro-poor Financial Systems

Utilizing financial system approach to serve the poor better