All Publications

Showing 6871 - 6880 of 9057
Case Study

Client Case Studies From the Dominican Republic

Nurturing entrepreneurial spirit through microfinance

Client Exit in Microfinance: A Conceptual Framework with Empirical Results from Mali

Proceedings from the CSAE conference on 'Growth, Human Capital, and Poverty Reduction in Africa'

Health Insurance for the Poor in India

Analyzing health insurance reforms in India

Informal Credit in Village Economies: Contract Duration with Personal and Community Enforcement

Household's choice of repayment periods for accessing informal credit
Case Study

Kyrgyz Republic - Private Enterprise Support Project

How did the Private Enterprise Support Project perform?

Microfinance Development in Liberia - An Initial Assessment

How to develop microfinance in a post-conflict situtation?

Rethinking Rural Finance: A Synthesis of the 'Paving the Way Forward for Rural Finance Conference'

Constraints and programming solutions to expanding rural finance

Signposts to the Provision of Market-led Microfinance Services

How can a bank become more customer-focused?

Summary Matrix

Recommendations for improvement to individual donor agencies