Displaying 1 - 10 of 89

Women’s Advancement in Banking in Emerging South Asian Countries: Findings and Recommendations for Nepal

This study aims to identify opportunities that can help achieve more equitable work outcomes for women employees in the banking industry in Nepal. 


Policy Diagnostic: Women in Leadership

This policy diagnostic presents policymakers with an overview of gender balance in the finance industry and then focuses on key areas for advancing women’s movement into, and active participation in, executive and other leadership roles.

FinDev Blog

Agent Gender Matters, but How to Recruit and Retain Women Agents?

This blog post shares four strategies to help FSPs overcome the obstacles they face in onboarding female agents and create an environment that encourages women to join and thrive as agents.

Case Study

Leading and Managing Change to Reach Low-Income Savers in Nigeria: A Case Study of LAPO MFB

This LAPO Microfinance Bank case study shares lessons from their experience in developing and implementing a change management program to underpin its launch of a savings product.


Human Resource Development Practices in the Microfinance Sector

This publication maps out the current landscape of Human Resource Development practices among MFIs, and sheds light on the relationship between HR practices and MFI performance.

FinDev Blog

Can Lenders Also Sell Insurance and Investment Products?

How to ensure the sale of appropriate non-credit products to microcredit customers

FinDev Blog

Treating Staff Responsibly During the Pandemic: Three Things to Do Today

How can we get to the other side of coronavirus with customer and employee relationships intact?

FinDev Blog

Becoming Intentional About Learning

We need to prioritize organizational learning to develop and enhance financial inclusion interventions. Here are some tips for how to get started.

FinDev Webinar

Empowering Employees and Agents to Deliver Valuable Customer Experience

Employees and agents play an important role in shaping customer's experience. Learn how managers can equip them to deepen customer relationships.  

FinDev Blog

Want to Stay in Business? Keep Your Loan Officers Happy

Loan officers are in a critical position to influence clients’ experience with an MFI. Yet they are often under intense pressure to meet targets. Here are six steps for improving working conditions for microfinance field staff.