All Publications
Showing 6671 - 6680 of 9080
The People's Microbank, Mexico
Supporting remittances and youth savings through effective institutional partnership
Value Chains and their Significance for Addresing the Rural Finance Challenge
Role of value chain financing in rural financial markets
Agricultural Finance by Microfinance Institutions: Problems and the Way Forward
How can microfinance institutions succeed in agricultural finance?
China: Country Overview
What are the opportunities for PlaNet Finance in China?
Community-Based Microfinance Models in East Africa
How can rural financial institutions be effective?
Decentralization Empowers Local Technical Staff: Sida's Catalytic Role in Forming a Stakeholder-led Microfinance Network in Nicaragua
Connecting technically skilled personnel with local specialists improves Nicaragua's microfinance
Fighting Poverty through Microfinance: Democratic Republic of Congo
How has USAID Microenterprise Development contributed to the development of Congo's microfinance?
Financial Education Support the Social Entrepreneurs of Asia-Pacific: PlaNet Finance Experience
Proceedings from the Citigroup-INSEAD "Women's Financial Education Summit", 2004, Hong Kong
Four Risks that Must be Managed by Microfinance Institutions
How to minimize the four risks that are often faced by MFIs?
Governance, Transparency and Accountability
Towards improving the state of fiduciary governance