All Publications
Showing 6371 - 6380 of 9075
Evaluation of a Savings & Microcredit Program for Vulnerable Young Women in Nairobi
Examining the 'Tap and Reposition Youth' program in Kenya
Expansion Strategies in Microfinance
What are the different options available to an MFI to expand its business?
Factors of Success: A Comparative Study of Kashf Foundation and Grameen Bank
What are the key features that can make microfinance a success?
Facts on Microfinance and Decent Work
Is microfinance an effective route for the ILO to reach its goals?
Finance and Guarantees in Rural Development
Cooperatives and the essential triangle of production
Finance for Small-Scale Commodity Processing: From Micro to Meso Finance
Moving up the value chain: Offering financial services for commodity processing
Financial Access Indicators Stocktake
Why is it necessary to find a suitable way to measure financial access?
Financial Sector Reform in China
This collection of 12 articles proposes solutions to the problems of China's financial system
Financial Services Sector Assessment in Timor-Leste and Seminar/Workshop on "The Millennium Development Goals and The Eradication of Poverty - The Role of Microfinance in Timor-Leste"
Examining financial sector development in Timor-Leste
Financing Productive Assets in Social Funds and CDD
Financing private productive goods, an exploration of options