Case Study

Factors of Success: A Comparative Study of Kashf Foundation and Grameen Bank

What are the key features that can make microfinance a success?
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This paper evaluates Grameen Bank, the founder of the Grameen-style group lending methodology, and Kashf Foundation, the most successful Grameen replication in Pakistan. The paper:

  • Aims to isolate factors that play a role in the different microfinance environments;
  • Explains the discrepancy in the market penetration and comparative success of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the two former halves of one country.

The paper defines a successful program as one which combines effective outreach with empowerment of women. It then:

  • Examines the means by which the respective institutions overcame the environmental challenges posed at each level of development;
  • Divides development into three phases - start-up, growth and maintenance;
  • Assesses the formation of methodologies in the context of the environments of Bangladesh and Pakistan.

The paper compares the following aspects of each model:

  • General tenets, eligibility, services offered and the organization;
  • Intended accomplishments in terms of outreach and other means;
  • The institutional and socio-political environments.

The paper finds that the following factors contributed to the success of Grameen Bank:

  • Confidence-building;
  • Transparency;
  • The use of telecommunications and technology;
  • The ubiquity of the brand name;
  • The presence of a weekly meeting space.

The paper recommends that Kashf:

  • Establish itself as a fixture in the public sphere;
  • Have a good marketing and public relations department;
  • Promote transparency in its operations;
  • Emphasize frugality.

About this Publication

By Syed, N.