All Publications

Showing 8091 - 8100 of 9058

Dimensions and Dynamics of MFI Competition in Bangladesh

Issues Facing Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh

Do Microfinance Programs Help Families Insure Consumption Against Illness?

What is the impact of microfinance on poor households' health?

E-Finance in Emerging Markets: Is Leapfrogging Possible?

How to realize the gains of e-finance and create opportunities for underdeveloped financial systems?

Empowering NGOs: The Microcredit Movement Through Foucault's Notion of Dispositif

A discussion of Foucault's Notion of Dispositif

European Initiative for Performance Evaluation of African MFIs: Conclusions of a Pilot Programme

A look at the importance of performance evaluation for microfinance institutions

Finance and E-finance for SMEs as a Means to Enhance Their Operations and Competitiveness

How can e-finance benefit small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries?

Finance for local development: new solutions for public-private action

Guidelines for designing effective support to local microfinance initiatives
Guide / Toolkit

Financial Landscapes Revisited: An Institutional Approach to Roots and Branches

Examining the factors affecting financial markets in Kenya

Financial Sector Development in the Pacific DMCs - Volume 1: Regional Report

How can regional financial systems be strangthened and developed?