Displaying 61 - 70 of 164
Case Study

Taking Human-Centered Design from Theory to Practice: UGAFODE’S AirSave Considerations for Financial Service Providers

How can formal savings tools be better suited to the needs of low-income Ugandans?

State of the Agent Network, India 2017: Agent Network Accelerator Research

Recommendations on how to develop a viable agent network

Agent Network Accelerator Research: Indonesia Country Report

Survey of digital financial services agents and their operations

Agents of Change: How the Human Touch Is Bringing Digital Financial Services to New Customers in India

10 key insights on training, equipping, and promoting product awareness among agents

Regulatory Framework for DFS in Côte d’Ivoire: A Diagnostic Study

Overview of key market and policy developments and recommendations

Agent Network Accelerator Survey 2017: Pakistan Country Report

Assessment and recommendations for designing and managing cash in/cash out agent networks
Case Study

The Long Road to Branchless Banking: FINCA’s Experience Deploying Agency Banking in Africa

Ten lessons learned on strategic, operational and technical issues
Slide Deck

Frontier Agents: Case Studies from Brazil, India, Mexico, and Tanzania

Innovative approaches by public and private sector actors in tackling the challenges faced by DFS agents
FinDev Blog

Getting It Right: Why Counting Mobile Money Agents Accurately Matters

What does new data mean for key initiatives advancing financial inclusion?