Displaying 151 - 160 of 164

Discrimination in Microfinance: The Role of Credit Officers

Designing credit agent incentives to prevent mission drift in MFIs

Banking Through Networks of Retail Agents

Examining whether technology can enable secure and remote interaction between banks and customers

Extending Financial Services with Banking Agents

This brief explores the key challenges in developing banking agents as a viable distribution model
Case Study

An Analysis of Peru's “Cajeros Corresponsales”

Using banking agents to extend the reach of bank branches in Peru
Case Study

Providing Financial Services to Poor Farmers through a Local Trader: An Indonesian Case Study

Disbursing loans through local agents

Commercial Bank and MFI Linkages: Tools for Assisting MFIs in Partnering with Commercial Banks

Understanding service agreements between MFIs and commercial banks

Rural Financial Institutions and Agents in India: A Historical and Contemporary Comparative Analysis

Paper presented at FAO, the Ford Foundation, and IFAD’'s conference on rural finance research

Use of Agents in Branchless Banking for the Poor: Rewards, Risks, and Regulation

Identifying issues involved in regulating branchless banking

Microinsurance in Rajasthan: Issues, Experiences and Challenges (Workshop Report)

Proceedings from the workshop "Microinsurance in Rajasthan: Issues, Experiences and Challenges"