Guide / Toolkit

Women in Agriculture: A Toolkit for Mobile Money Practitioners

Developing mobile-enabled services for women engaged in agriculture

This toolkit acts as a guide for mobile operators, other mobile providers, and development practitioners to better serve women working in the agricultural sector. It includes recommendations and tools for each stage of the product development process, as well as examples of good practices. The products and services covered in the toolkit include value-added services like information, advisory, and matchmaking, mobile financial services, and basic services like voice, SMS, and data delivered via mobile phone. The focus of the toolkit is broadly on Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and South East Asia although the framework can be applied to other developing regions. The toolkit provides guidance on the following sections:

  • Defining the market with a focus on recommendations on how to assess the target market of women working in agriculture;
  • Generating consumer insights and describing methods and guidelines for identifying user needs and conducting research on women in the agricultural value chain;
  • Designing products and services best suited to women in agriculture;
  • Developing marketing strategies with a focus on branding and promoting;
  • Creating and adapting cost-effective channels to reach women in agriculture;
  • Monitoring performance and correcting course to create long-term value for both mobile providers and women users.

About this Publication

By O’Donnel, M.