Case Study

Microfinance in Villafranca: Providing Income and Dignity for People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA), Tegulcigapa, Honduras

This paper reviews a program that connects people living with HIV with microfinance and job training
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This paper reviews the ‘Villafranca Area Development Program (ADP) and its microfinance project – one of the first efforts of ‘World Vision Honduras to incorporate HIV and AIDS prevention intervention for children and adults.The paper discusses:

  • The problem of HIV/AIDS in Honduras.
  • The need amongst youth for basic information on the prevention of HIV/AIDS.
  • The ‘Villafranca Microfinance Project and its following objectives:
    • To strengthen the income generating capacity of adolescent females and mothers living with HIV/AIDS through training and access to microcredit,
    • To strengthen their participation in organized community structures for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS.

The paper lists the results and achievements of the project, which include:

  • Training of teachers on “sexual and reproductive health”.
  • Dissemination of information
    • on HIV/AIDS to 2000 youth,
    • through folklore, dances, theater, etc.
  • The strengthening of community organizations in their capacity to prevent AIDS and care for AIDS-infected people.

The paper concludes with the following comments:

  • Income generation and micro-enterprise activities for “People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)” need to provide adequate income generation and support.
  • They are a good way to increase the social inclusion of population group traditionally excluded from the formal economy.
  • Training programs should incorporate pastoral care, psychological encouragement and management skills.
  • Linkages between HIV prevention interventions and micro-enterprise interventions promote a comprehensive development approach that nurtures social inclusion.

About this Publication

By Eguigure, D.