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Showing 21 - 30 of 397 results
FinDev Interview

In Times of Crisis, Who Holds the Lifeline for Microfinance Institutions and Their Clients?

Youssef Fawaz of the Lebanese MFI Al Majmoua, shares the difficult reality of trying to keep an established institution running while the economy collapses around it.
FinDev Guide

Resilient Rural Women: A Guide to Knowledge Resources

This guide points readers to relevant resources that shed light on rural women’s exposure to climate change and emerging solutions that help them adapt and build their resilience.
FinDev Guide

Top Ten Blog Posts of 2023

In 2023, more than 50 community members contributed to the FinDev Blog to share their ideas and lessons learned on topics ranging from women agents' livelihoods to financial inclusion for refugees to digital finance consumer protection. Which blog posts were your favorites?
FinDev Guide

Top Ten Publications of 2023

This blog post shares the top ten most viewed publications of 2023 from our English library of resources on financial inclusion. The themes of gender, climate change and digital finance dominate the list. 
FinDev Interview

Video Highlights From the European Microfinance Week 2023: Shaping the Future of Inclusive Finance

FinDev Gateway conducted six video interviews at the European Microfinance Week 2023, summarizing key insights from various sessions.
FinDev Interview

Video Highlights From the X Central American and Caribbean Microfinance Conference

FinDev Gateway conducted 12 video interviews with conference speakers, aiming to capture some of their the key takeaways and insights from the event.
FinDev Blog

Building Radical Financial Confidence Through Inclusive Design

IDEO’s Last Mile Money program proposes new design paradigms for digital finance to center the experience of people living in poverty.
FinDev Blog

How Do You Know If You're Making an Impact? First, Get Better Data

As impact investors increasingly seek deeper impact measurement and reporting, MFIs need to up their game to show if and how their products and services drive positive changes in their clients’ businesses, lives, families, and communities.
FinDev Interview

Advancing Financial Inclusion for Forcibly Displaced People

Daphnee Iglesias of the IRC shares the goals and priorities of the Community of Practice for Financial Inclusion of FDPs, and invites others to join their efforts.
FinDev Interview

Video Highlights From SAM 2023: Financial Inclusion and Climate Resilience

Earlier this month, FinDev Gateway conducted six video interviews, summarizing key insights from various sessions at African Microfinance Week 2023, showcasing their efforts in addressing climate risks.