Displaying 501 - 510 of 511

How CGAP Member Donors Fund Microfinance Institutions

What are the structures, funding instruments, procedures and points of entry within each agency?

The Performance of the Lesotho Credit Union Movement: Internal Financing and External Capital Inflow

Has the performance of credit unions improved with donor assistance?

Credits to Small Businesses and Microenterprises

Assessing interest in supplying credit to small and microenterprises
Case Study

FondoMicro: Lessons on the Role of Second-tier Financial Institutions in MSE Development

A case study of a second-tier financial institution set-up as part of a development project

The Development of Cooperatives and Other Rural Organizations: The Role of the World Bank

Farm cooperatives and similar organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa and supporting World Bank programs
Case Study

A Review of Donor-Funded Projects in Support of Micro- and Small-Scale Enterprises in West Africa: Case Studies

Examining similarities and differences in donor-funded credit projects for MSEs
Case Study

Developing Financial Services for Microenterprises: An Evaluation of USAID Assistance to the BRI Unit Desa System in Indonesia

Has USAID's Financial Institutions Development Project-Phase II achieved its objectives?

The Critical Connection: Governments, Private Institutions and the Informal Sector in Latin America

What roles should government, donors and NGOs assume in microenterprise development?