FinDev Quiz

What Explains the Financial Inclusion Gender Gap?

Explore your knowledge on a range of issues that affect women's financial inclusion - from gendered social norms to women's property rights to gender lens investing
Four women working with gravel.

Financial inclusion can play an important role in women’s economic empowerment. Access to formal savings accounts, for example, helps women manage economic shocks while digital payments enable women to have greater control of their income and transactions.

Despite significant progress in recent years and efforts by many organizations around the world to increase women’s financial inclusion, the gender gap persists. Roughly 1 billion women living in the poorest 40 percent of developing-country households remain outside the formal financial system, according to the Global Findex database

For International Women's Day this year, explore your knowledge on a range of issues that affect women's financial inclusion - from gendered social norms to women's property rights to gender lens investing. How much do you know? Take our quiz to find out. Your responses will remain anonymous.

2. True or False: 75 countries limit women’s property rights.
3. In low-income countries, what percentage of women do not have an ID?
6. Globally, how many Central Bank governors are women?
This International Women's Day, FinDev invites you to join FinEquity, a leading global community that seeks to empower women through financial inclusion. FinEquity provides a range of knowledge resources for organizations and individuals who want to learn more and contribute to women’s economic empowerment.


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Kehinde Ijitona , Society for Peace Studies and Practice, Nigeria
03 March 2022

For women to be free from domestic violence, they should be financially empowered. As such, let us lend a helping hand to women wherever we are.

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