All Publications

Showing 8371 - 8380 of 9058

Finance in Conflict and Reconstruction

Can reduction in war-finance encourage peace?

Financial Regulation in Developing Countries

How have financial reforms worked in less developed economies? What further steps should be taken?

Financial Services and Hispanic Americans

Are Latino families well represented in financial service and asset-building areas of their economy?
Case Study

Financiera Trisan: An Agricultural Credit Card Innovator

Has the Credit Card program been successful in Costa Rica?

Ghana: Non-Bank Financial Institutions Business (Bog) Rules, 2000

Operational guidelines for non-banking financial institutions of Ghana

Government of Romania Decision

Ordinance to benefit the mine-affected people with credit

Group Lending Under Dynamic Incentives as a Borrower Discipline Device

Does group lending mitigate some risky investment behavior?

How Can Impact Assessment Take Into Account Wider Social and Economic Impacts?

How does microfinance interact with other systems?

How to Regulate and Supervise Microfinance? - Key Issues in an International Perspective

What risks and profiles are common to the regulation of microfinance institutions?