
Financial Services and Hispanic Americans

Are Latino families well represented in financial service and asset-building areas of their economy?

The paper states that Latino families have not fully enjoyed the benefits of the "new" economy and remain underrepresented in critical financial service and asset-building areas of home ownership, brokerage services and capital. It argues that Latinos are denied credit more often than white Americans, for both home loans and small business loans. Essentially, it looks at:

  • Financial services and Latinos;
  • Barriers to financial services;
  • Increasing Hispanic access to financial services.

The paper concludes that Hispanic access to financial services are exaggerated by the presence of immigrants. It may be more accurate and precise to suggest that with respect to financial services, there are segmented markets which may require diverse strategies. It recommends industry, public policy and Latino community approaches to the issue.

About this Publication

By Kamasaki, C., Arce, L.