
Pakistan Microfinance Review 2013

Discussing the performance of Pakistan's microfinance sector in 2013
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This report reviews the developments in Pakistan's microfinance sector in 2013. It also provides a detailed analysis of the financial performance of the sector at three levels: industry, peer group, and institution. The paper highlights the way forward for the sector with a focus on major challenges and opportunities. It covers the following sections in detail:
  • Trends in the macroeconomy and microfinance industry in 2013;
  • Policy and regulatory requirements introduced in 2013 including new microinsurance regulations, revision of prudential regulations for microfinance banks, changes in corporate governance standards, and new government sponsored loan schemes;
  • Microfinance industry initiatives introduced in the year with a focus on corporate governance, new players in branchless banking, changing role of the microfinance credit information bureau, and new responsible finance initiatives;
  • Industry financial performance assessment with a focus on scale and outreach, financial structure, and review of institutional goals and profiles;
  • Discussion on key areas where growth and innovation can be expected in the near future including branchless banking, microinsurance, financing low cost private schools through microfinance, funding, and disaster risk management.

About this Publication

By Basharat, A., Arshad, A., Khalid, Z., Shahid, A.