
Measuring Impact: Subject paper of the Impact Measurement Working Group

Developing global impact measurement standards

This paper aims to provide guidelines to investors for impact measurement. It seeks to demonstrate the application of these guidelines through a series of case studies. The paper provides recommendations for the development of a standardized impact measurement convention and reporting system that would enhance the availability of material, reliable, comparable, additional, and universal impact data. It also articulates a vision and roadmap for the future development of impact measurement and outlines concrete actions and calls upon specific stakeholders to advance roadmap priorities. The paper is based on a six-month consultative and research process including a review of over 60 industry publications and 45 interviews with internal and external experts. It covers the following sections in detail:

  • Overview of the state of impact measurement;
  • Best practices guidelines that can be currently implemented;
  • Case studies illustrating how these guidelines are currently being applied by different investor segments;
  • Review of emerging trends that is likely to shape the development of impact measurement;
  • Vision of impact measurement in the long term and steps to achieve this long-term vision.

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