
Is the Business Correspondent Model in Policy Paralysis?

How does the recent policy shift for the business correspondent model in India affect consumers?
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MicroSave's Policy Brief No. 7 examines the recent shift in policy direction for the business correspondent model in India and the associated challenges and potential consequences from a consumer standpoint. It highlights detailed scenario analysis of different business correspondent agents' (BCAs') current and prospective earnings in a range of situations, for both individual and business correspondent network manager (BCNM)-managed agents. The brief states that the blurred dividing line and tension between the roles of the regulator and activist governments can sometimes lead to undesirable consequences. Conclusions include:

  • New selection process using a reverse auction approach takes no notice of consumer needs and aspirations for a wider range of products, differentiated services, quality, and service continuity;
  • Pricing is still fixed and does not recognize consumer willingness to pay market driven prices for quality products and services;
  • Prescriptive nature of reverse tender documents blocks off avenues for innovation as well as remuneration according to real cost of delivery;
  • BCAs are likely to see reductions in their already limited and precarious incomes suggesting that agent churn is likely to further increase.

About this Publication

By Chopra, P., Sharma, M., Sadana, M.