
CGAP MENA Update – May 2011

Progress of the microfinance industry in the MENA region between October 2010 and March 2011
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This issue of the MENA Update reports on the activities of CGAP's partners and on the progress of the microfinance industry in the Middle East and North Africa region between October 2010 and March 2011. This issue comes at a very critical time for the MENA region as this dramatic chapter in MENA's history will create many challenges and opportunities for the agenda of financial inclusion, shaping the work of the policy makers, donors and service providers in the region.

The Update features an interview with Tilman Ehrbeck, appointed chief executive officer of CGAP last August, in which he shares his thoughts on the industry, the future of microfinance in MENA, and his vision for the institution he now leads. 

About this Publication

By El-Zoghbi, M., Khaled, M., Tarazi, M.