
Smartaid for Microfinance Index 2009: Agencia Española De Cooperación Internacional Para El Desarrollo (AECID)

Helping funders understand their systems, policies and procedures

This SmartAid for Microfinance Index measures and rates whether Agencia Española De Cooperación Internacional Para El Desarrollo (AECID) supports microfinance effectively. It analyzes the system along five areas of effectiveness. The report includes a snapshot of its portfolio, strengths and weaknesses, a good practice highlight and a score. AECID received 45 out of 100 points, indicating that overall, the agency has partially adequate systems in place to support microfinance. The agency scored lowest on strategic clarity, an area that requires immediate attention. The review suggests the following:

  • Conducting a thorough analysis of development;
  • Building microfinance staff skills;
  • Ensuring technical quality assurance of microfinance operations;
  • Moving to an institution-focused performance monitoring system;
  • Re-thinking performance-based contracts once the performance monitoring system has been improved;
  • Promoting social performance measurement;
  • Commissioning a review of credit components.

Overall, the review indicates that the agency requires to look carefully at all its core management systems for supporting microfinance, starting with defining what value it seeks to add and how.

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By Latortue, A., El-Zoghbi, M.