
Nepal: Microfinance & Cooperative Transactions Ordinance

Law governing microfinance & cooperative transactions to alleviate rural & urban poverty in Nepal
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This "Microfinance and Cooperative Transactions Ordinance, 2006" promulgated by the king of Nepal aims to help:

  • Develop microenterprises in the country;
  • Promote and expand institutions and societies working in the microfinance and cooperative sectors;
  • Regulate and systematize microfinance and cooperative transactions in order to alleviate rural and urban poverty through such transactions;
  • Ensure the sustainable development of the country's economy.

It comprises the following ten chapters:

  • "Preliminary" defines various terms such as "Center," "Board," etc;
  • "Establishment of Microfinance and Cooperative Center and its Functions, Duties and Powers";
  • "Formation of the Board, and its Functions, Duties and Powers" outlines facilities for the chairman and board members, rules for meetings, etc;
  • "Provisions Concerning the Fund and Audit of the Center" outlines the provisions for the funds of the Center;
  • "Provisions Concerning License" prohibits microfinance institutions (MFIs) from operating without a license from the Center;
  • "Provisions Concerning Capital" details the capital that MFIs have to maintain and explains the constitution of various funds;
  • "Regulation, Inspection and Supervision" outlines the regulatory powers of the Center;
  • "Provisions Concerning Accounts, Records, Particulars and Report" lists provisions regarding balance sheet, audits, etc;
  • "Provisions Concerning Offences and Penalties" explains actions that the Center deems offences and outlines various penalties;
  • "Miscellaneous" outlines provisions for liquidation, settlement of liabilities, etc.

About this Publication

By Goverment of Nepal