
Reconstruction and Development of the Microfinance System in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), Indonesia

How can microfinance in Indonesia recover from the devastating effects of the tsunami?
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This paper describes a project that aimed at reconstructing and developing the microfinance system in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), Indonesia. The project had a cooperative outreach component that aimed to report on preparations for establishing Pilot Savings and Credit Cooperatives (BQs) in the districts of Aceh Utara and Bireun.

The paper discusses:

  • The devastation that the tsunami caused in 2004 and the present need to move from relief to rehabilitation and reconstruction;
  • The partnership between the Bank of Indonesia (BI) and German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in providing technical assistance with a focus on microfinance;
  • The project emphasizes the strengthening of five private rural banks (BPRS) and the establishment of a new one.

The paper discusses details of:

  • The identification of locations for new BQs and the initiation of two pilot BQs;
  • The establishment of the pilot BQs and their cooperation partners and service providers;
  • The movement towards a sustainable system of BQs in Aceh.

The paper concludes by presenting recommendations for enhancing the BQ sector in Aceh that include:

  • Establishment of new BQs as autonomous, single-purpose financial institutions with the legal status of registered savings and credit cooperatives;
  • Self-help-groups (SHGs) as starting points for creating or enlarging BQs;
  • A broad membership of shareholders;
  • Small share sizes to increase outreach;
  • Support at primary and secondary levels to cover establishment costs and investments in working capital.

About this Publication

By Seibel, H.