
HIV/AIDS Risk Management

Proceedings from the "HIV/AIDS Risk Management Working Group", 8-9 November 2005, Nairobi, Kenya
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This report gathers the work produced during the ‘"AfriCap" workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya, to discuss the elaboration of a ‘Code of Conduct for microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the risk management of HIV/AIDS. The report also provides a work plan, comprising the activities leading to the final conference planned in April 2006.

The report states that the three task force groups in the workshop discussed:

  • Intervention areas for microfinance institutions (MFIs);
  • Health linkages;
  • Broad principles for MFIs, such as:
    • Governance and accountability;
    • Non-discrimination;
    • Confidentiality;
    • Sustainability;
    • Responsibility for education and awareness raising;
    • Promoting partnerships;
    • Monitoring and assessment;
    • Promoting appropriate products.

It also presents the following workshop outcomes:

  • There was a consensus on combining HIV/AIDS with general health issues;
  • The ‘AfriCap initiative must be used as a best practice for the industry;
  • Microfinance has the opportunity to deal with this issue;
  • HIV/AIDS and health are risks that should be dealt with as any other risk;
  • There is a need for MFIs, donors, investors, to get involved;
  • There is a need to legitimate the initiative and widen the tool.

The report concludes by discussing:

  • Work to be done in the future;
  • Overall activities;
  • Work plans;
  • Proposal for a guide book.

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