
What CEOs Need to Know About Software Implementation

Key issues to be remembered in the implementation of software

This Briefing Note distills some of the lessons gleaned by MicroSave's Action Research Partners (ARPs) while implementing selected software solutions. It discusses lessons learnt about:

  • Project management skills:
    • Planning is key to successful implementation;
    • Attention must be paid to data migration, software testing, etc;
    • It is important to have the right staff.
  • Sponsorship:
    • Top management and the board should be continually involved;
    • The board should make quick decisions on expenditure.
  • Rollout process: A staggered process works best;
  • Communication and connectivity: It is crucial to have fall back methods for transaction processing, and the physical backbone for inter-branch transactions;
  • Hidden costs: These include costs of infrastructure, training, upgradation, etc, and must be borne in mind;
  • Scope creep: Changing project requirements often lead to delays and staff demoralization;
  • Vendor relationships: It is useful to include explicit penalty clauses in contracts;
  • Training staff: The training has to be practical and functional;
  • When things go wrong: It is worth revisiting key issues and designing corrective action;
  • Reporting for management: It is useful is to find out how staff get the information they need and how long it takes them to do this;
  • Getting information by:
    • Finding dependable sources on the internet;
    • Locating peers who respond to queries;
    • Participating in regional forums and on-line communities;
    • Introducing a help desk or call center to provide user assistance.

About this Publication

By Forster, D.