
MIS and Information Needs

Good practices, concerns and methods of addressing MIS needs of self help groups
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This presentation addresses the management information system (MIS) issue of a self help group. It involves data collection, processing, analyzing, decision-making, presentation and communication. It lists the following MIS requirements as per the needs of a SHG:

  • The essence of SHG is informality;
  • Flexibility should be the core of the MIS system;
  • User-evolved practices should be encouraged;
  • MIS system has to be cost effective and user friendly;
  • A broad consensus should be built before introduction.

The presentation describes some of the already existing good practices:

  • Separate savings/loan ledgers for SHG accounts in banks;
  • Directory of SHGs at the branch level;
  • Village-wise index of SHGs;
  • Microcredit cells in head offices of banks;
  • Quarterly meeting of NGOs;
  • Structured meetings with SHGs post linkage;
  • Particular day in a week allocated for SHG business;
  • Visiting groups on a fixed day for savings and recovery;
  • Hiring of animators on contract basis for monitoring groups;
  • SHG as a separate head under performance review statement.

Further, the document lists some areas of concern:

  • Books of accounts at SHG level;
  • Critical information gaps;
  • Poor level of computerization;
  • SHG versus groups under SGSY;
  • Flow of information between SHPI and banks variations in quality of groups promoted by SHPIs.

The presentation finally lists some alternate systems for information needs:

  • Self rating tool;
  • E Munshi;
  • Smart cards for SHG;
  • Bare foot book writers.

About this Publication

By Suran, B., Ramakrishna