
Microfinance and Social Performance: How FINCA Used a Client Assessment Tool To Identify Mission Drift

Using research tools to monitor the social impact of microfinance services
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This document is a progress note on the assessment methodology adopted by FINCA to measure the social impact and effectiveness of its services and to develop a tool to measure such performances across the countries. This document deals with the following:

  • An introduction to FINCA;
  • FINCA poverty assessment methodology and the poverty variables used;
  • The primary objectives and the results of the assessment.

Further, the document elaborates on:

  • The lessons learned from the methodology adopted and the existing loop holes in the different programs undertaken by FINCA.
  • The FINCA's Client Assessment Survey Tool (FCAT) developed over a period of time and aspects related to it.

Finally, the document highlights the different areas where FINCA needs to improve upon so as to remove the loop holes identified in the assessment.

About this Publication

By Hatch, J., Crompton, P.