
Refuge to Return: Operational Lessons for Serving Mobile Populations in Conflict-affected Environments

What are the lessons to be learnt from the Refuge to Return model?
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This paper discusses the Refuge to Return (R2R) approach of providing financial services to mobile populations. It states that:

  • Providing financial services to conflict-displaced persons poses many challenges;
  • The R2R approach provides specific lessons for serving mobile populations by adapting sound microfinance practices in post-conflict environments;
  • The key innovation of R2R has been the long-term strategy and the use of linkage mechanisms to enhance performance in the areas of refuge and return.

The paper discusses the lessons learnt from the operations of R2R in West Africa.

  • For refugees, these include:
    • Apply a stepped approach for providing income generating funding options;
    • Focus on the economically active;
    • Monitor and mentor clients;
    • Use performance indicators to track arrears and portfolios at risk;
    • Be transparent;
    • Provide incentives such as certificates, and maintain a database with all client information;
    • Brand the program as a development program rather than a relief one.
  • For returnees, these include:
    • Use experienced staff;
    • Lend directly to microfinance units;
    • Serve former clients;
    • Adapt to vulnerability.

The paper then discusses the various challenges in implementing the R2R program and also suggests ways by which the replication strategy of this program can be improved. It concludes that the R2R model:

  • Is an innovative and practical trans-border response to restoring the livelihoods of people in war-affected regions.
  • Proves that adapting services to local contexts is the key to serving hard-to-reach populations.

About this Publication

By Nourse, T.