
Poverty Assessment Survey Uganda - Field Technical Report

A survey to test poverty assessment tools
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This document is a field technical report consisting of a survey conducted by Nkoola Institutional Development Associates (NIDA) for testing poverty assessment tools in Uganda. This report presents:

  • The sampling procedures;
  • Summary of survey cases;
  • Experiences in the data collection process.

The survey involved:

  • Adaptation of the questionnaires;
  • Sampling: Three stage sampling was used to arrive at the respondents:
    • Stage one - sampling districts and sub-counties;
    • Stage two - selection of enumeration areas;
    • Stage three - selection of individual households.
  • Data Collection:
    • Community, as well as, price questionnaires were administered in all the 25 enumeration areas;
    • A total of 800 household were interviewed using the composite tool, while 782 benchmark questionnaires were administered to the sample households.
  • Data management.

The paper details some of the aspects of the survey:

  • The village local council (LC) committee members and opinion leaders were interviewed on community issues;
  • Locations were restricted to either rural or urban, some were urban-rural and rural-urban;
  • Some hurdles faced in conducting the survey included:
    • Estimation of food eaten by household members outside the household;
    • Unconventional units of some foodstuffs;
    • The actual financial base of respondents;
    • Evaluation of unsurveyed family lands;
    • Distinction between the actual foodstuffs consumed by the poor and the rich;
    • Estimation of houses in square feet.

About this Publication

By Nkoola Institutional Development Associates (NIDA).