
Microfinance as a Tool to Protect Biodiversity Hot-Spots

Can microfinance help achieve environmental goals of development projects?
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This paper identifies the manners in which best practice microfinance can assist projects to achieve their environmental goals, while avoiding common pitfalls. The paper discusses:

  • The role of microfinance in integrated conservation and development projects designed to protect the environment, especially in areas facing intense population pressure on natural resources;
  • The manner in which microfinance should be operated in those areas to successfully obtain the expected results in relation to the project's stated goals.

The authors argue that:

  • Microcredit can contribute to the triple bottom line sought in so many biodiversity protection programs:
    • Sustainability of the natural resource;
    • Sustainability of the poor who depend on biodiversity for their livelihood;
    • Sustainability of the institutions that serve those three objectives.
  • Microfinance can also support the adoption of new technologies and the creation of 'new' enterprises that enhance the sustainable use of biodiversity;
  • Microfinance may be able to play a role in helping the rural poor administer conservation payments they receive in return for desisting from certain practices or engaging in others.

Finally, the authors:

  • Suggest that microfinance can play an important role in the conservation of biological diversity as one more tool in the box;
  • Observe that as yet, no systematic evaluation of microfinance components of integrated conservation and development projects exists;
  • List key points that integrated conservation and development program designers might wish to keep in mind when developing microfinance components.

About this Publication

By Muñoz Araya, M.C., Christen, R.