Electronic Banking for the Poor
How to develop a successful e-banking system?
2 pages
This paper discusses the potential of using electronic banking to provide low cost banking to un-banked individuals worldwide. It lists few of the popular technologies used in electronic banking and explores how these technologies can be used in microfinance programs:
- Personal digital assistants (PDAs);
- Automatic teller machines (ATMs) and point of sale devices;
- Magnetic stripe cards;
- Smart cards;
- Mobile banking.
The paper also assesses:
- Customer perspective and checks whether the e-banking solution provides sufficient value to persuade the customer to move transactions away from cash. It evaluates the features, accessibility, affordability and convenience;
- Institutional perspective and checks whether the e-banking solution increases profitability;
- The environment for e-banking which is influenced by:
- Evolution of the financial and retail sectors;
- Level of financial literacy;
- Regulatory and policy environment;
- Management of risks during development and design of an e-banking solution.
Finally, the paper discusses the principles that should guide donor involvement in e-banking initiatives for the poor:
- Donor subsidies should focus on building shared infrastructure and consider scalability;
- The recipient institution should cover the recurrent costs of the e-banking initiative;
- A careful cost-benefit analysis should be conducted before launch;
- Donors should document successful and unsuccessful experiences;
- Help governments understand and develop appropriate policy environments;
- Donors can invest in promoting e-literacy.
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