
CGAP IT Innovation Series - Automated Teller Machines

Using ATMs in microfinance institutions
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This note studies the case of using Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) in microfinance institutions (MFIs). It informs about the various types of ATM transactions - furnishing account information, accepting deposits, drawing down on pre-approved loans and transferring funds.

The note covers the following aspects of ATM usage:

  • Suitability of ATMs to MFI operations - more suitable for MFIs that accept savings and service multi-location clients;
  • Technology used in ATM operation;
  • Requirements for ATMs, for example:
    • Reliable electrical power and communications infrastructure;
    • A central database for storing client data;
    • Reliable after-sales services and support;
    • Sound operational procedures and resources;
    • Secure systems to transfer cash to ATMs.

Further, the paper informs about:

  • The benefits and costs of ATMs;
  • Increased deposit mobilization;
  • Convenience of 24-hour access to funds via a wide network of locations;
  • The use of ATMs for microfinance operations:
    • Prodem FFP in Bolivia,
    • Banco Ademi in the Dominican Republic,
    • MEB in Kosovo.

Finally, the paper lists points that should be considered before implementation:

  • Identifying a provider familiar and committed to the MFI's market and possessing sufficient level of expertise to implement home-grown systems;
  • Leveraging existing resources to avoid the full capital investment and operating burden;
  • Testing feasibility with a pilot or phased implementation to measure the management's commitment, ease of client adoption, and adequacy of physical infrastructure.

About this Publication

By Whelan, S.