
Brief 3- Developing Post-Conflict Microfinance Institutions: The Experiences of Liberia and Kosovo

Lessons learned from two contrasting post-conflict case studies
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This technical brief takes a micro view looking at the experiences of two microfinance institutions (MFIs) operating in a post-conflict environment. One case from Liberia describes the experience of an MFI operating in one of Africa's poorest countries. The other case from Kosovo describes a very young but nearly self-sufficient MFI in the conflict-ridden but more prosperous Balkans. Despite the very brief coverage, these cases illustrate at least two lessons. First, the significant contrast between their experiences illustrates the wide variability in financial sustainability prospects in post-conflict environments. Second, both cases illustrate how MFIs follow basic principles and sound practices of microfinance regardless of the environment, with operational adaptations where appropriate.

[Author's abstract]

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