Impact Assessment of Microfinance: Interim Findings from a National Study of MFIs in India
How has microfinance fared in India?
12 pages
The study tries to explore questions related to:
- Coverage of the poor by microfinance interventions and their impact on poverty reduction;
- The most effective and cost effective products and services for reaching out to poor;
- The impact of microfinance on women's empowerment issues;
- The impact of microfinance on other formal and informal sources of finance.
The study states the following findings:
- Membership was mainly rural (78%) and predominantly (95%) women;
- 72% finance was used for investment, 28% to meet household needs;
- The share of micro credit through microfinance was on par with that through moneylenders;
- There was a marginal reduction in client dependency on high cost sources;
- 53% of the clients had used productive activities or assets;
- An increase in income was reported for 70% of micro credit supported enterprises.
Some of the emerging issues that the study highlights are:
- Existing regional imbalance: 90% of clients are in South India;
- Targeting the poor more systematically, with microfinance helping to manage their vulnerability;
- Widening social capital by diversifying leadership;
- Providing business development services and taking up other developmental issues such as child labor and environmental concerns.
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