
Pearls Monitoring System

Decoding the PEARLS monitoring system
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This document describes the objectives, features and working of the ‘PEARLS monitoring system.

The document states that PEARLS aims to:

  • Help managers find solutions to institutional deficiencies;
  • Use standardized evaluation ratios and formulae;
  • Produce comparative credit union rankings that are objective;
  • Facilitate supervisory control.

The document compares the features of PEARLS with those of CAMEL and describes the deficiencies of the CAMEL method of evaluation.

It states that PEARLS is a set of financial ratios in which each letter of the word, PEARLS, measures key areas of credit union (CU) operations as follows:

  • P = Protection. Adequate protection of assets is the basic tenet of the new CU model;
  • E= Effective financial structure. This is the single most important factor in determining growth potential, earnings capacity and overall financial strength;
  • A = Asset quality. A non-productive asset is one that does not earn income. An excess of non-productive assets affect CU earnings in a negative way;
  • R = Rate of return and cost. The management can calculate investment yields and evaluate operating expenses with this;
  • L= Liquidity. Effective liquidity management becomes a much more important skill as the CU shifts its structure from member shares to deposit savings;
  • S= Signs of growth. The only successful way to maintain asset values is through strong, accelerated growth of assets accompanied by sustained profitability.

About this Publication

By Richardson, D.