
Conceptual Framework for Assessing the Impacts of Microenterprise Services

Towards a Household Approach to Impact Assessment

The purpose of this paper is to synthesise the studies published under the AIMS Project to explore specific conceptual issues related to assessing the impacts of microenterprises services.

It suggests:

  • Examining impacts of microenterprise interventions through a household approach that takes into account microenterprises as part of a larger portfolio of economic activities;
  • Exploring the household economy through the conceptualisation of assets, risk management and intra-household dynamics;
  • Bearing in mind that the environment in which microenterprises operate may affect the way they do business;
  • Developing a household economic portfolio model, in which it is possible to examine the role of microcredit on household welfare.

Finally, the paper concludes that:

  • A conceptual framework is needed to model the impacts of microenterprise services at community level and beyond;
  • A general equilibrium approach would be useful in evaluating any macroeconomic changes in prices, interest rates, wages etc.

About this Publication

By The AIMS Team.