
The Experience of Grameen Bank Housing Program, Bangladesh

Grameen Bank's origin, transformation, structure and progress
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This article highlights the Grameen Bank's (GB) efforts to turn poor people's housing dreams into reality. The Bank started as an action research project with the following objectives:

  • Extending banking facilities to disadvantaged people;
  • Eliminating moneylender exploitation;
  • Providing employment opportunities for the unutilized and underutilized;
  • Reversing the vicious circle of poverty;
  • Making poor men and women financially self-managed.

The Bank strengthened its roots by involving borrowers in the bank's organizational structure and diversifying its development activities.

To encourage participation, the Bank identified various norms and events such as:

  • Conducting workshops and training programs for women for increased participation and social mobility;
  • Expending extra effort on establishing the norm that a house is a vital investment in health and leads to increased productive capacity;
  • Giving loans to those without shelter without any collateral;
  • Introducing various housing loans like the Moderate Housing loan, Basic Housing loan, Pre Basic Housing Loan;
  • Developing specific house designs considering borrowers' needs while keeping the basic structural components same;
  • Defining house specifics like housing technology, concept, design and components of the house such as pillars and structural frame, fencing, floor, sanitary facilities;
  • Clearly setting out loan criteria for branch, center and individual loanees.

About this Publication

By Barua, D.