
The Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on Banks and Banking Activities

Directives for banking in the Republic of Tajikistan
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This document presents the Law with regard to the banks and banking activities in the Republic of Tajikistan. The Law sets out the following:

  • Definition of a bank and banking activity;
  • Constitution of the banking system in the country;
  • Activities that the banks are prohibited from undertaking;
  • Organizational and legal structure of banks;
  • Procedures for opening of banks and their branches;
  • Norms for non-resident banks of the Republic of Tajikistan to operate branches in the country;
  • Registration and licensing requirements in various contexts, and grounds for withdrawal of licenses;
  • Normative functions of the National Bank of Tajikistan in case of infringement of the Law by banks;
  • Prudential norms, limits and other obligations that the banks need to adhere to;
  • Norms for interest rate setting and transactions of the banks with their clients,
  • Accounting, auditing and reporting obligations of the banks;
  • Responsibility in the case of infringement.

Further, the law states that the regulatory norms in the case of non-banking financial institutions would be set by the National Bank. It also talks about the right of the banks to appeal against the actions of the National Bank.

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