Displaying 401 - 410 of 649

Regulating Transformational Branchless Banking: Mobile Phones and Other Technology to Increase Access to Finance

Guide to policymakers and regulators on regulating branchless banking

2007 CGAP Regional Funder Survey: Sub-Saharan Africa

CGAP survey of funder projects, specific country activities, and funding instruments
Case Study

An Analysis of Peru's “Cajeros Corresponsales”

Using banking agents to extend the reach of bank branches in Peru

Stability of Small Balance Deposits

Do deposits from poor individuals constitute stable long-term funding for MFIs?

Working at Both Ends: Enhancing Supply and Demand for Savings Mobilization in Rural Uganda

Overview of USAID-funded program that promotes savings in rural areas of Uganda

Strategies for Sustainability

Achieving sustainability in microinsurance programs

Premium Collection: Minimizing Transaction Costs and Maximizing Customer Service

Discussing challenges in insurance premium collection in low-income markets

Product Design and Insurance Risk Management

Developing insurance products and services targeted at low-income markets

Marketing: Promoting Insurance to the Poor

Creating an insurance culture in a low-income market

Next Generation Access to Finance

Proceedings from a conference discussing new financial services technologies