Displaying 31 - 37 of 37
Case Study

Facing Over-Indebtedness at Partner Microcredit Foundation

How can clients and institutions avoid over-indebtedness?
Case Study

Collections with Dignity at FinComún

Examining appropriate collections practices at FinComún, Mexico
Guide / Toolkit

Conducting Client Protection Assessments: A Guide

Evaluating MFIs' implementation of client protection principles

Avoidance of Over-indebtedness: Guidelines for Financial and Non-financial Evaluation

Incorporating client protection practices into individual loans
Guide / Toolkit

Collections Guidelines for Financial Service Providers

Examining collections policies and practices of financial service providers
Guide / Toolkit

Loan Officer Manual: Banco Solidario

Training loan officers to avoid client over-indebtedness
Guide / Toolkit

How to Talk to a Bank

Helping Serbian consumers communicate with bankers