Displaying 341 - 350 of 357

Financial Technologies Global Initiative

Capitalizing on financial technology innovations to boost small business financing

Taking E-Finance to the Micro Level

Applying technology to microfinance
Guide / Toolkit

Using Microfin 3: A Handbook for Operational Planning and Financial Modeling

Developing five-year financial projections for MFIs

The Solution Based on Cooperation for the Centalization of Information and Support to Credit Decisions

Centralised knowledge base helps in mitigating overall business risks in the economy

E-Finance in Emerging Markets: Is Leapfrogging Possible?

How to realize the gains of e-finance and create opportunities for underdeveloped financial systems?

Making Micro and Small Business Finance Profitable: An e-finance Initiative

Evolution of International Finance Corporation's (IFC) financial markets strategy

Electronic Finance: Reshaping the Financial Landscape Around the World

Can e-finance lead to improved financial services across the world?

Grameen Village Phone: Its Current Status and Future Prospects

Assessing market development outcomes due to the ICT services provided by Grameen Telecom