
USAID Launches Rural Financial Inclusion Program in Guatemala

USAID Administrator Samantha Power announced this week that, working with Congress, USAID will provide an initial investment of over $6 million to launch a Feed the Future rural financial inclusion program in Guatemala. The announcement was made while the Administrator was in Guatemala to attend the inauguration of President Arévalo. 

In line with the objectives of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Root Causes Strategy, this new financial inclusion program will support the new Guatemalan administration’s goal of increasing employment and improving living conditions in rural areas. The rural financial inclusion program is part of USAID’s $72.5 million investment over three years in Guatemala through the U.S. government’s Feed the Future initiative. In addition, USAID highlighted $133.5 million in fiscal year (FY) 2022 development funding recently announced for implementation of the Root Causes Strategy for Guatemala.