
Breaking the Cycle of Generational Poverty in Guatemala Through Microfinance

How successful are microfinance organizations in achieving their missions? According to a recent report, one such group, U.S.-based Friendship Bridge, shows clear evidence of achieving its aim of breaking the cycle of generational poverty among rural families in Guatemala.

The report, produced by impact measurement company 60 Decibels, draws on phone interviews with 277 Friendship Bridge clients conducted earlier this year. The 25-year-old organization, which serves 30,000 women a year in Guatemala, provides loans of $400 or so to groups of low-income mostly rural women who would likely not be approved for loans at traditional banks. It also provides monthly educational services aimed at helping their borrowers avoid a cycle of indebtedness. The organization disbursed $25 million to more than 33,000 women in 2022.

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