Guide / Toolkit

SmartAid for Microfinance Index 2009: Submission Guide

Presenting a toolkit for funding agencies to effectively support microfinance

This technical guide builds on CGAPs work in aid effectiveness to measure what funders need to support microfinance effectively. It is based on CGAPs interactions with donors and investors, through peer reviews and their ongoing microfinance work together.Funders with strong internal systems are better equipped to support microfinance effectively. The SmartAid for Microfinance Index is the first of its kind to promote transparent external assessments of funders management systems.SmartAids indicators focus on core management systems, including staffing, accountability and knowledge management mechanisms. They check whether the funder has:

  • Policy and strategy that addresses microfinance, is in line with good practice, and is based on the funders' capabilities and constraints;
  • Designated microfinance specialists responsible for technical quality assurance throughout the project;
  • Invested in microfinance or access to finance human resources;
  • System that flags all microfinance programs and components;
  • Process to track and report on performance indicators for microfinance programs and components;
  • Used performance-based contracts in its microfinance programs and components;
  • Conducted regular portfolio reviews;
  • Systems and resources for active knowledge management;
  • Appropriate instruments to support the development of local financial markets.

About this Publication

By Latortue, A., Huber, C.