Case Study
Gender and Microfinance in Bougainville: A Case Study
How can microfinance schemes promote gender equality?
6 pages
This article describes the experiences of raising gender awareness among participants in the Bougainville Microfinance Scheme (BMFS).
The article states that:
- BMFS aimed to encourage self-reliance and financial independence;
- The “Gender and Development” (GAD) component of the project sought to promote equal opportunities for women and men as participants in and beneficiaries of development;
- The project included three gender workshops, which aimed to:
- Promote women’s understanding of BMFS,
- Review the potential role of women and elucidate factors constraining their participation,
- Promote men’s understanding of women’s expectations and roles in “Bogainville Haus Moni” (BHM) – BMFS’s central federated body,
- Develop specific recommendations on gender inclusiveness and gender sensitive strategies.
- The workshop achievements included:
- Successful group discussions on how women earn and whether they control what they earn;
- Identification of constraints at individual, household and community levels;
- Obtaining men’s support to the BMFS project;
- The development of recommendations about communication, training, decision-making and policy development.
The article concludes by stating that:
- The workshop resulted in women and men gathering together to conduct awareness sessions in their respective communities;
- BMFS has grown in leaps and bounds;
- It is important to have a gender development officer (GDO), who is familiar with the local social, cultural and political context.