Displaying 31 - 40 of 106

Are Islamic Banks More Resilient During Financial Panics?

Comparing the performance of Islamic banks and conventional banks during financial crises
Case Study

Integration of Waqf and Islamic Microfinance for Poverty Reduction: Case Studies of Malaysia, Indonesia, and Bangladesh

Validating the efficiency of an Integrated Waqf-based Islamic Microfinance model

Can Islamic Banking Increase Financial Inclusion?

Analyzing the relationship between Islamic banking and financial inclusion in OIC countries

Regulation and Supervision of Islamic Banks

Providing recommendations for the supervision of Islamic banks
Case Study

Challenges Sharia Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from Indonesia

Assessing Islamic microfinance in Indonesia

Islamic Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Status and Prospects

Promoting Islamic finance in Sub-Saharan Africa

Islamic Banking Opportunities Across Small and Medium Enterprises in MENA

Identifying and analyzing the financing gaps for Islamic SMEs in the MENA region

Toward Inclusive Islamic Finance

Evaluating the potential of using Islamic microfinance for financial inclusion
Case Study

Expanding Islamic Microfinance in Azerbaijan: The Case for Industry Coordination to Serve New Client Segments

Addressing client drop-outs due to financial product inconsistencies with their religious beliefs

Enhancing the Enforceability of Islamic Microfinance Contracts in OIC Countries

Mapping best practices and policies to improve the performance of Islamic microlending programs