Displaying 11 - 20 of 122
FinDev Blog

How Long Should It Take to Build a Home?

Housing microfinance product innovations could help more families finish their homes and improve the overall customer experience.


IFC’s Investment to Boost Green Housing, Strengthen Capital Markets in Romania

This placement is the first-ever senior preferred bond issuance by Banca Comercială Romana S.A., Romania's second-largest bank.


Haiti: Central Bank Offers Housebuying Program With Easy Process to Fasten Recovery Efforts

Haiti's Bank of the Republic is reducing the credit risk of microfinance institutions that will further enable financial institutions to provide more microloans to the small businesses and individuals as the nation examines various long-term recovery options.


Pakistan Housing Finance: Is There a Business Case for Financial Institutions?

This study highlights the need for financial institutions to expand into housing finance across different income segments—particularly low and middle income households—and regions.

FinDev Blog

Emerging Tech-Based Financing Models in Affordable Housing

A look at four different business models and how their value compares for customers and financial service providers


Habitat for Humanity and Miyamoto Announce Partnership for Resilient Housing Construction

New partnership between Habitat for Humanity's The Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter and Miyamoto International will develop resilient housing solutions.

Case Study

Using Pay-for-Results to Catalyze Affordable Housing Development

This case study analyzes the Haiti Homeownership and Mortgage Expansion program’s methodology for designing its Pay-for-Results incentive structure, its results, and lessons learned.


Symbiotics Launches $10,5M Social Bond With La Hipotecaria Colombia

The proceeds of the Social Bond will be used to finance access to financing services, with its eligible subcategories: affordable housing and household financing.

Case Study

Improving Access to Housing Microfinance Solutions Among Low-Income Households in the Philippines

Opportunities and challenges of designing housing products

FinDev Blog

Better Homes Support Public Health

What can we do to expand access to housing microfinance in a post-COVID-19 world, and therefore improve health and resilience outcomes not only for families but also our communities and cities?