Displaying 1 - 10 of 37

Symbiotics Investments Fosters Education in India Through an Education-Focused Social Bond With Varthana

Varthana finances affordable private schools and students with affordable school and student loans, customized to enable schools and students to unlock their full potential.


U Microfinance Bank and Shahid Afridi Foundation Collaborate to Uplift Pakistan’s Education Sector

This collaboration will open doors for the provision of financial services to the SAF across a broad spectrum of banking solutions.


Mastercard Study Advocates Financial Inclusion as a Driver for Better Access to Health and Education

The study "Financial Inclusion+ - Connecting People to Finance, Health, and Education", explores how health, education, digital, and financial inclusion are all intertwined to unlock greater prosperity and wellbeing for communities across the region.


Financial Inclusion: Connecting People to Finance, Health, and Education

This study explores how health, education, digital, and financial inclusion are all intertwined to unlock greater prosperity and wellbeing for communities across Middle East and Africa.

FinDev Blog

Locked out of Learning: Addressing the COVID-19 Education Crisis

Private sector investment is needed to support low-cost private schools in low and medium income countries.


The Center for Financial Education and Capability is Launching its BBVA EduFin Research Grants 2021

The 2021 EduFin Research Grants marks the annual competition that will dedicate a total of EUR 50,000 to support research projects.


Vancity Loans $740k to Brighter Investment for Education Microfinance in Africa

Brighter Investment Investor Relations Manager Belinda Kuglenu argues that although school closures, rising unemployment rates and falling wages may result in delayed distributions to investors, the outlook for "long-term returns remain strong."

FinDev Blog

Brett Matthews, My Oral Village

Brett MattThews is the founder and executive director of My Oral Village. In this FinEquity Member Spotlight Interview Brett tells us about "oral information management" (OIM) and the naïve assumption that voice is a ‘magic bullet’.


The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Education Financing

How can policymakers mitigate the negative impact of COVID-19 on education finance?
FinDev Blog

What Can Edufinance Learn From Microfinance?

Recent excitement over the investment potential of edufinance will remind long-time impact investors of similar growth predictions for microfinance not too long ago. Taking advantage of the huge pool of hard–won experience built by the microfinance sector over 30-plus years can help the edufinance sector avoid missteps and greatly accelerate its growth and success.